Don't you just love sharing good news?
One of our lovely Kindermusik mummies emailed this to me today, I know she won't mind me sharing it....
"I just wanted to email you with this......
Yesterday we had our Dewdrops CD playing and there was a moment when Ewan clearly stopped playing with his toy and was really concentrating on the music, at the point in the song when we would usually dance into the middle and wave at each other (Hi Ho Hi Ho Hi Ho), Ewan started to gently wave his hand. He'd definitely made the association with the music and the action, and this was the first time he'd properly waved!! I know he's due to learn to wave at this point in his development, but I was more amazed at the association he'd made, without any egging on from me, purely what he'd picked up on in class.
So thank you very much, I don't suppose you'll witness any waving on Friday though - he'll be too busy watching everything thats going on!"
I LOVE emails like this!!!! And I LOVE that parents have these special moments at home. During our class is when we are all learning, socialising and having fun, its at home when you see just how much has been absorbed. Week by week, month by month and year by year.....
At the end of last term I waved goodbye, very tearfully, to one of my very first Kindermusik babies, from just weeks old....... now he's a 'big boy' heading off for school. We've now got little brothers and sisters joining us, following in the footsteps of their siblings....going from sitting in the corner in car seat to joining in with their very own Kindermusik class.
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start off as you mean to go on.... A Good Beginning Never Ends....