Just a few more classes left this week then that's the end of our term...always very sad when we say goodbye to good friends, but the majority we are seeing again in September, and a good handful are coming along to our summer camp programme aswell.
Over the summer try having 'conversations' with your baby. Mm, but what if your baby is just weeks or months old? Baby learns the art of conversation from the adults in her life. When speaking to baby, and it doesn't matter what you are 'chatting' about, remember to leave time for the response. You may get smiles, giggles or gurgles in response. Imitation sets the foundation for learning language, and these early 'chats' are the beginnings of your little ones's language development.
In our classes we use lots of activities which involve waiting for a response, its great to see the babies looking around in anticipation of the movement, song, dance beginning again. Just like in a conversation.
I've found a great site on my travels through the virtual world this week:
check it out. Parents are encouraged to write reviews about everything and anything that they have tried and would like to pass on to other parents, what a great idea!